
The Story of Rabbi Akiva and His Times
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This breathtaking, historical novel tells the story of the life and times of the great sage, Rabbi Akiva. It is a classic literary tapestry woven with the details of life in Eretz Yisrael after the Destruction of the Second Temple. Meticulously researched and beautifully written, this book will captivate and inspire all audiences. Rav Meir (Marcus) Lehmann's magnum opus, a favorite for generations of readers, is now presented in a newly translated and revised edition for contemporary readers to enjoy.
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Dimensions6 1/4" x 9 1/4"
PublisherFeldheim Publishers
TranslatorPearly Zucker
Number of pages292
Item #3754
Binding typeHard Cover
Weight1.530000 lbs.
Customer Reviews
  1. Suberb
    Fabulous at pulling together many stories we've heard and many rabbis names. It makes Jewish history come alive and in perfect chronological order. I'm buying this for gifts. Every middle school student should read this book.

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  2. Akiva is awesome.
    Among the very best books I have ever read.Everyone should read this book.

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  3. Brilliant
    Rabbi Marcus Lehman has put together the most through biographies in Jewish literature. He also makes the heroes of his stories very real, believable by blending secular history into the stories of Tzaddikim like Rabbi Akiva.
    I've read this book to my sixth graders and I've suggested it for adults and everyone absolutely loves the stories, the incredible amount of information about Jewish laws and customs that are sprinkled throughout the book. But most of all the style of writing draws the reader in and creates a real connection to the figures in the book.
    I cannot say enough about this work. It is just brilliant!

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  4. Awesome read!
    This book is one of the most inspiring books I've ever read. It is the biography of one of the greatest Rabbi who's ever lived: Rabbi Akiva.

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