Stop Surviving, Start Living (Paperback)

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Ask someone today, “How are you doing?” and you will hear some interesting responses. “Hanging in there.” “Surviving.” That is a reaction you would expect from a man who just found out he has terminal cancer and has six months to live. How do you explain it coming from people living in the lap of luxury, enjoying wealth, freedom, and almost limitless opportunities? HANGING IN THERE? SURVIVING?! More than a mere expression, it is indicative of a deep dissatisfaction just beneath the surface. That's not the way it's supposed to be - not the way Hashem wants it to be. Why did Hashem create us? Why is there suffering? Why is there pain? Here is a book that answers these and other deep life-questions, in an engaging, entertaining manner. It offers a roadmap and the inspiration to create a life of meaning and purpose - to stop merely surviving and start living. Written in an easy-to-read, contemporary style, this powerful book offers a road map and the inspiration to create A LIFE OF MEANING AND PURPOSE - to stop merely surviving and start living. Read the author interview here
More Information
Dimensions5 x 8 1/2
PublisherDistributed by Feldheim
Number of pages202
Item #5919
Binding typePaperback
Weight0.620000 lbs.
Customer Reviews
  1. This book saved my life
    the clear way these words are prepared, can easily open your eyes. its so true and quite funny sometimes

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  2. Every person has a chiuyuv to read this book
    An absolute must read for every living person. This book will give you purpose and direction in life

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