
The extraordinary, true story of a Jewish school community in evacuation during World War II, from 1939 until 1945. Written by the esteemed head of London's Jewish Secondary School, who oversaw the evacuation and education of five hundred Jewish schoolchildren in the tiny village of Shefford, England, this book is heartwarming and inspiring. When the gentile Sheffordians welcomed in the Jewish schoolchildren, they were in for an enormous surprise, but their puzzlement and resentment was quickly overcome and the next six years were memorable ones. This is a fascinating story of triumph and faith in the face of hardship and challenge. A completely revised and expanded edition which includes childhood impressions of Shefford, letters, reports, and addresses.
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PublisherFeldheim Publishers
Number of pages252
Item #6059
Binding typePaperback
Weight0.710000 lbs.
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