Haggadah for the Curious

Fascinating Ideas, Questions, and Answers For Teens and Adults
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In this fascinating, original, and thought-provoking Haggadah, noted educator Rabbi A. Levin shares his years of insights from his Seder table. This amazing Haggadah can be used at the Seder table itself, preparing for it, or as wonderful food-for-thought during the rest of the holiday. This Haggadah is indeed... for the curious!

  • What do chametz and idol worship have in common?
  • Who might be required to drink only two cups of wine at the Seder?
  • Which Hebrew word can mean both to speak harshly and softly?


"a very effective companion to the Haggadah… interesting, enlightening and entertaining"

Rabbi Zev Leff

"the author masterfully makes the Haggadah come alive for young and old alike"

Rav Binyomin Wurzburger

About the Author:

Rabbi A. Levin born and raised in Copenhagen, Denmark and studied in Ner Israel Rabbinical College in Baltimore under Rabbi Yaakov Weinberg, zt"l. He also learned in Yeshivas Heichal Hatorah under Rabbi Tzvi Kushelefsky as well as in Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim. He received semichah from Rabbi Zalman Nechemia Goldberg in 2002 and moved with his family to join Kollel Beis Hatalmud in Australia, where he learned for seven years. Rabbi Levin took up the position as high-school Rebbi in 2009 in Yeshivas Yesodei Hatorah and currently teaches 11th grade. He is known as a talented lecturer in the community with shiurim and talks that he gives around various synagogues in Melbourne. Rabbi Levin is a prominent contributor to various Torah publications. In 2012 he won the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation award for his curriculum on teaching mitzvos bein adam l'chaveiro.
This is his first book.

More Information
Dimensions6 x 9
PublisherMosaica Press
Number of pages160
Item #7552
Weight0.980000 lbs.
Customer Reviews
  1. Great Hagadah!!

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