Darkness to Destiny

The Haggadah Experience
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Categories: Haggados  
The recounting of the Exodus from Egypt forms the centerpiece of the Seder. This story has a unique aspect to it, for it needs to be told as if we are experiencing it in the present. Thus we are told in the Haggadah: "In each and every generation, a person is obligated to see himself as if he came out of Egypt." Why is it so important to tell the story as if it is happening to us now? After all, we left Egypt long, long ago! In this remarkable, easy-to-read, and thought-provoking commentary on the Passover Haggadah, Rabbi Immanuel Bernstein brings a wealth of sources, a lucidity of thought, and tremendous originality in order to help understand what the goal of the Seder really is, and how we can best experience this powerful evening. About the Author Born and raised in London, Rabbi Immanuel Bernstein learned in Yeshivas Ateres Israel, Jerusalem and received his rabbinic ordination from Rabbi Chaim Walkin. Rabbi Bernstein currently teaches in Yeshivas Machon Yaakov, Jerusalem, as well as various seminaries, and give regular shiurim on Chumash and Talmud which are open to the public. He lives in Jerusalem with his wife and five children.
More Information
PublisherMosaica Press
Number of pages220
Item #7020
Binding typeHard Cover
Weight1.106000 lbs.
Customer Reviews
  1. Pesach Seder experience
    This Haggadah is a fresh and welcome addition to the English language publications available. It gives satisfying and inspiring insights into the story of leaving Egypt, dealing with many of the classical issues as well as showing new ones in a thought-provoking way. This work will add greatly to the Pesach Seder experience.

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  2. Bernstein Haggadah
    Rabbi Immanuel Bernstein has applied his wisdom, scholarship and great communication skills to this new interpretation of the Pesach Haggadah. It is a delight to read and a stimulus to thought and deeper appreciation about this night of timeless ritual… Every Jewish home should certainly include the Bernstein Haggadah in its collection.

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